Church of Christ
Mission USA

      Greetings from beside the church building.  We hope all are well and things going fine with the congregation there.  We have had some encouragement lately.  Holly, Mildred’s daughter and her cousin visited with us this past Sunday and we also had a couple come from the Shenandoah community (for the second time), Sam and Michelle.  All four visitors are a result of our door knocking as was Mildred’s conversion.   The visitors stayed for the afternoon service as well.  Please pray for these that we may be able to study with them further.  Our younger daughter, Amy also came by for a visit while her husband, Peter Ray, was in India doing mission work.  It was so good to be with her for a few days.  She stays so busy with work and doing things with the church there that it is hard for her to get away.

      We also have some very sad news.  Virginia was hit by a train while crossing the track from visiting her daughter next door from where Virginia grew up.  Her daughter said the train did not blow its whistle like it normally does. There is no gate or flashing lights at the tracks.  She is not for sure what happened that caused Virginia to cross the tracks in front of the train.  Luckily the train was only traveling 20 mph.  Virginia’s car was totaled and she suffered serious internal head injury.  She was in a comma for 11 days.  The doctors were quite surprised at how well she seems to be getting along. 

      Now that we have sold the house we are free to make plans for next summer’s work in some place without the church.  We will try to find an area where other brethren may have contacts via BCC, etc.  Greenfield approves of our plans to stay here this winter (as much as I would like to be in a warmer climate) to follow-up on the prospects we have and to further ground Mildred. 

      Volunteers are needed: Greenfield and Staunton congregations are taking care of the BCCs.  (1) We need a congregation to receive the tracts (paid for by MUSA) we will be using (presently five) and printing our introduction page; and putting all these into the plastic bags; then ship the amount we need to us wherever we are.  I am estimating that we will need about 4,000 each summer (and more depending on how many volunteers we get).  (2) We also need a congregation to print this report and the Word of Life bulletin and mail out them to the recipients.  I will continue to send out the ones that go by email.  (3) We need individuals and congregations to help door knock anytime, but especially in preparation for and during any gospel meetings.  (4) We need congregations to send their (or another) preacher (possibly with a tent) for gospel meetings.  As you can see, there is much research and planning to do this winter.  If anyone has a crystal ball and knows where we should “Go” for next summer’s work, please let us know, keeping in mind that we want to work in an area without the church.

      Please keep in mind that this kind of work is hard and unless we can get enough help in door knocking prior to a meeting we may not have many to come out for it.  We will most likely be working in an area that is not very close to any congregation.  But please remember this work is according to the Great Commission.  Of course, we are always in need of funds in order to have a healthy balance for the material.  It would truly be a shame to have workers, but not enough material.  Estimated cost at each household is 60 cents or $1.60 when we leave the DVD.  We hope and pray that you will want to be a part of giving this valuable material to families that most likely have never had the truth presented to them.

      We now have a website  [be sure to add the -] that will help you know of our needs and work.  I will be adding to it often and trying to improve it (I am a novice at it).  If you have suggestions, let me know.  I ask that you review the website and help us by passing our website on to sound brethren and congregations.  Encourage them to consider the work, and to also pass it on to others.  This is the only way we plan to advertize it, so your help is vital.

      Trouble on the front lines: As you know I have been conducting a Bible study at the nursing home this summer.  We upset the Pentecostal workers there (see October’s report) and several of them seem to be making all the noise they can now to disrupt the study.  One dear and sweet lady said she wanted to visit the church on Sunday.  She said she would try to get her daughter to bring her.  Later, when Sandy called to check on this and talked with the director, she said that the daughter was greatly upset and said if she took her anywhere she would take her to her home church.  Also, Mildred, as all new converts, is being tested.  Please pray for her.

      October’s door knocking totals: 168 doors knocked;  165 packets left;  7 DVDs left;  3 refused the material.  As you can see, the knocking is winding down due to weather.

      We are very grateful for your prayers and financial support of us and the work.  May God bless you all in faithful service to Him.

In His service,             Perry & Sandy                               2009, 10 Jrnl