Church of Christ
Mission USA

Whither we goest, thou goest: by your prayers and financial support

            Greetings from Stockton, AL: Having an earlier than planned departure from the work in MN because of my mother’s sickness and death; and because it was more feasible to move the MH at that time rather than fly to VA and back to MN for just about two more weeks of work, we had to change our work plan.  So we are presently in Stockton, AL.  With the much traveling, anxiety over my mother, and oftentimes lack of good internet services we did not have the normal opportunity for research for our spur-of-the-moment selected work.  At best, it is not easy to find out everything we would like to know before we go to a new place.  Research helps and is invaluable, but often times inaccurate and misleading.

            For example: Not all campgrounds are to be found in books or on the internet.  Neither are they always represented accurately!  The Verizon coverage chart was not very accurate: here we have very poor phone service and many calls are broken-up and even lost.  This is bad when trying to conduct business!  The internet is also iffy: sometimes it is good, but other times it is very poor and even goes to “Roaming” which we do not use because of expense.  But worst of all and very sad, is the fact that many of the small congregations that we had planned to check out further and perhaps door knock in their area are now closed.  We had set our sights on Washington county where the church does not exist, but we had also hoped to work with, or at least invite the people we talk with (and in the material) to one of these small congregations, but many of these are now gone.  We are presently helping a small congregation in Atmore, AL by door knocking in their area.  The congregation met with us on Wednesday night and we inserted their handout in our package.  The work is going very well. We plan to go into Washington Co. as soon as we are able.  There is certainly a lot of work that needs to be done here.

            Why are we losing so many congregations?  I don’t have the answer, but I know the Bible speaks much of evangelization.  I do not believe near as much evangelization is going on now as it did 30 and 40 years ago.  It is like preaching: shall we cease preaching because some do not like it (2 Tim. 4:2-4)?  Shall we cease evangelizing (or slow down) because we are not getting the results we want?  Perhaps, it is because we have ceased or slowed down that we are not getting the results we want!  We certainly need more personal evangelism.  One good way is to make up business cards inviting people to your services, with the times of services, good directions, and the phone number.  On the back have the plan of salvation.  Members can pick the cards up and use them anywhere and everywhere. It is one good thing that every member can do.  Sandy and I have a card made up inviting people to the local church of Christ, our phone number, and on the back the plan of salvation. Most people we invite by this method seem to appreciate it. 

            Brethren: If you would like us to visit the congregation there please let us know soon.  We could make some visits in December.  So if you desire for us to do so, please let us know soon. 

            Please consider helping us in this work and remembering us as you plan your budget for next year.  If you know of any who may be able to help, please let them know now so they can consider us in their budgets as well.  Individuals and small congregations have helped a lot and we appreciate it greatly.  Small contributions are important not only financially, but knowing that you care enough to help and knowing that you are praying for our work.  Let us not become weary in well doing.  Please pray for every good and sound work throughout the brotherhood.  We are yet in need of at least $1,000 per month.  If you did not get last month’s letter from Steve Iverson concerning his viewpoint of our work please let me know and we will send it.  For those receiving this by email it was sent as an attachment last month. 

            In our work in MN we passed out packets to 4,646 households.  Now consider 3 or 4 in a household.  We planted the seed in this manner and also had the gospel meeting.  One brother wrote the following:

            “Glad all went well with the Gospel Meeting.  Small numbers were expected, I'm sure, however you have planted the seed, and I have no doubt that God will give the increase.  Sometimes, we want to see the Word "sprout" right now, but I always know God has a different plan than I do, because my plan is usually not the best plan.  It may take years for results to be known.  So, Hang in there, you are doing a GREAT work and we are behind you 100%.”  Larry Benderman, Stiversville, TN 

            We greatly appreciate such insight as this.  Yes the work is hard and discouraging at times, but we know that we are doing a much needed work of God.  Suppose we had not been able to go MN?  What then?

            We desire your input concerning the work: Where to go for future summer and winter works (we move south in the winter for the simple reason one cannot door knock effectively in cold weather); maybe you know of a congregation that could use us to door knock and also preach.  We also invite you to review and make suggestions on our introduction page we use and the selection of tracts.  Brethren, we welcome your input; our desire is to do the best we can in reaching the lost.

            We are very grateful for your prayers and financial support of us and the work making it possible for many to learn and obey the saving truth.

In His service,            
Perry & Sandy