Church of Christ
Mission USA

Estherville Church of Christ                     {Highlighting by Perry}
703 2nd Avenue North
Estherville, IA 51334

Dear Brethren,

            Please let me introduce myself once again.  I am Steve Iverson!  I have been preaching here at Estherville for the past 20 years.  I am a native of northern Minnesota where the church was non-existent until long after our family moved to Oklahoma in 1978.  I am very thankful that I was able to meet a preacher’s daughter who was able to introduce me to the truth of God’s Word.  I am deeply grateful for her and thank God for her every day because I had never heard of the church of Christ before that acquaintance.  I am not sure where I would be today doctrinally if I would not have had that opportunity to come to know the truth through her and her family.  I said all of that to say this!  We feel blessed to have had Perry and Sandy Sexton working in this difficult area spreading the gospel to all of those who, like me, had not had the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and His desire for every soul to be saved.

            Perry and Sandy’s work is so vitally important and needed not only for the lost, those outside the Lord’s church, but also in giving encouragement to the members of the existing congregations.  They have labored within our congregation through Perry’s teaching and preaching.   Sandy has given encouragement through her willingness to be Perry’s helpmeet.  Also, I must add their singing has enhanced our worship services.  Sandy, as you know, has a beautiful voice and you can’t have too many of those when you have visitors who have never sang acapella before.

            As we reflect over the last three and half months we can see growth within our own group.  Minds have been stimulated through studying basic principles and practices needing to be taught even today.  We need to continually seek the old paths!  Our hearts were encouraged to be more concerned about the need of evangelism over personal comfort levels. Our souls were stirred to seek out those who are lost so they can be found.  Most of all, they were constantly reminding us to be faithful to our Heavenly Father in all things!  The messages were simple, we must be obedient to our Lord though that form of doctrine found in the Bible.  Last but not least we must put our faith into action! 

            Thank you for allowing Perry and Sandy to spread God’s Word to Fairmont and to demonstrate God’s Word to our congregation through your continual support.

            Finally I must say that Perry and Sandy did an outstanding job of organizing and orchestrating their efforts.  The final results of their door knocking and gospel meeting will not adequately reflect their abilities.  This part of our great nation is a very difficult area to evangelize but repetition and persistence has proven most effective for us.  So please continue to support the Sextons, not only with monetary means but through great words of encouragement.  The gospel meeting at the end of August held at the Red Rock Center was very edifying for those who partook in it, especially me. 

            Thank you for listening and your concern for the Lord’s church and the lost!  In Christ, STEVE
From an email {10-2010} from Steve:

"I am thankful for your years of service and the work you and Sandy continue to do.  I know it is a very difficult task but one that brings eternal joy and rewards. I am thankful God has allowed us to remain here for all these years.  We have contemplated leaving so many times but when the final analyst was considered we decided to stay and you were a reward of that perseverance.  I am happy as a congregation we could help your mission be effective and successful.  I personally really enjoyed your gospel meeting!  Never under estimate the edification you are bringing to those who strive to remain faithful in the vineyard. 

We are still going forward with your material you left behind! ...."
From an email {10-2010}

“Glad all went well with the Gospel Meeting.  Small numbers were expected, I'm sure, however you have planted the seed, and I have no doubt that God will give the increase.  Sometimes, we want to see the Word "sprout" right now, but I always know God has a different plan than I do, because my plan is usually not the best plan.  It may take years for results to be known.  So, Hang in there, you are doing a GREAT work and we are behind you 100%.”  Larry Benderman, Stiversville, TN 

Atmore, AL 2010  Letter from preacher at Atmore, AL.
Shenandoah, VA 2009  Note from one coverted in Shenandoah while door knocking.