Comments About Our Work
Many other cards and notes which we have not taken time to post here.
2014,4 Gospel Meeting 20146ChurchInsights.pdf (See 2nd page)
2013,8 Winslow, AZ 20138WR;DaveHartWinslowAZ.pdf
2011,8 Custer, SD {typed in} 20118CusterTypedIn.pdf {their note} 201111Lt.fromCusterSDThankYou.pdf
2011,5 Custer, SD {from John McGuire in WY} 201111McGuirenote.pdf
2011,4 Lake Havasu City, AZ 201111OroGrandeAZ.pdf
Atmore, AL 2010 Comments by the preacher Norman Newberry at Atmore, AL.
Fairmont, MN 2010 Comments by the preacher Steve Iverson of the congregation at Estherville, IA. We worshipped there while door knocking in Fairmont, MN. I also taught Bible class and preached some there.
Shenandoah, VA 2009 A note from one converted while door knocking and preaching full time at Shenandoah. A special thank you to Bill Crossno.