- Rejected and thus reject Jesus and salvation (John 12:48).
- Not believed (2 Thess. 2:12).
- Evil spoken of (2 Peter 2:2).
- Turned from (Titus 1:14; James 5:19).
- Not loved (2 Thess. 2:10).
- Never known because of lack of love and desire (2 Tim. 3:7).
- Not obeyed (Gal. 5:7).
Or the opposite of all the above could be true for you.
The choice is yours!
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Read verse 31.
- “Teach me thy way…; I will walk in thy truth:” Psa. 86:11 “…his truth shall be thy shield and buckler” (Psa. 91:4).
- Please think about it. –Perry Sexton
Note: If you would like to receive this bulletin by email (pdf) around the 10th of each month: Contact Us
2014,3 WOL 20143WOLWillAllGoodPeopleBeSavedRR.pdf Will All Good People Be Saved? by Rod Rutherford
2014,1&2 WOL 201412WOL;YouShouldKnowWorshipChurch.pdf Some Things All People Should Know
2013,12 WOL 201312WOL;WhereIsTheLight.pdf Where Is The Light?
2013,11 WOL 201311WOL;GodsWatchmenEG.pdf God's Watchmen
2013,10 WOL 201310WOL;ThePowerOfTheGospel.pdf The Power of The Gospel
2013,9 WOL 20139WOL;WhyDoYouTransgress.By.Part2.pdf Why Do You Transgress The Commandment of God...? (Part 2)
2013,8 WOL 20138WOL;WhyDoYouTransgress.By.Part1.pdf Why Do You Transgress The Commandment of God...? (Part 1)
2013,7 WOL 20137WOLResurrectionTEChart.pdf Ressurection
2013,7 SW 20137SW;SavedLikeTheThief8.5x14.pdf Are We Saved Like The Thief?
2013,6 WOL 20136WOL;WhatIfIAmLostPart3CanIDo.pdf What If I Am Lost? (Part 3) (Can I Do Anything About My Lost Condition?)
2013,5 WOL 20135WOL;WhatIfIAmLostPart2DoesGodCare.pdf What If I Am Lost? (Part 2) – (Does God Care If I Am Lost?)
2013,4 WOL 20134WOL;WhatIfIAmLostPart1.pdf What If I Am Lost? (Part 1) (What Will Eternity Be Like For Me?)
2013,2ff SW 20132SW;TheKindOfFaithGodRequiresPart1.pdf "The Kind Of Faith God Requires" (Us To Have) Go to Sound Words Bulletin to see succeeding articles on this vital subject.
2013,3 WOL 20133WOL;WhyNotUseInstrumentsOfMusicPart4.pdf Why The Church Of Christ Does Not Use Mechanical Instruments Of Music In Worship (part 4)
2013,2 WOL 20132WOL;WhyNotUseInstrumentsOfMusicPart3.pdf Why The Church Of Christ Does Not Use Mechanical Instruments Of Music In Worship (Part 3)
2013,1 WOL 20131WhyNotUseInstrumentsOfMusicPart2.pdf Why The Church Of Christ Does Not Use Mechanical Instruments Of Music In Worship (Part 2)
2012,12 WOL 201212WhyNotUseInstrumentsOfMusicPart1.pdf Why The Church Of Christ Does Not Use Mechanical Instruments Of Music In Worship (Part 1)
2012,11 WOL 201211MyAns.toQuestionsseeSept.pdf My answer to the questions I asked you.
2012,10 WOL 201210VoteServeGodOrSelfishness.pdf Who Do We Serve, God Or Selfishness? (Your Vote Counts)
2012,9 WOL 20129AreYouFFGodSexualSinsVote.pdf Are You Following God? Sexual Sins And Voting Morally
2012,8 WOL 20128DoWeHaveGodsWordVote.pdf Do We Have God's Word Today? Election Time Is Coming: How Will You Vote?
2012,7 WOL 20127HeavenOrHellYouChoose.pdf Heaven Or Hell! You Choose!
2012,6 WOL 20126LordsSupper.pdf Did you know that most denominations are not following the Bible concerning the Lord's Supper?
2012,5 WOL 20125BaptismIfSavedBeforeB.Then.pdf This article shows the foolishness of thinking baptism is not essential to salvation.
2012,4 WOL 20124ModernVersionsoftheBible.pdf Modern Versions of The Bible (NIV)
2012,3 WOL 20123AuthorityInReligion.pdf A very important subject.
2012, 2 WOL 20122OnlyOnePersonInTheGodheadQ.pdf If one believes the Bible it is easy to see that there are three Persons in the Godhead. Consider ...
2012, 1 WOL 20121WhereGodPutWaterPart3.pdf Where God Put Water, (part 3) See chart below.
2011, 12 WOL 201112WhereGodPutWaterPart2.pdf Where God Put Water, (part 2) Lesson on baptism from Naaman.
2011, 11 WOL 201111WhereGodPutWaterChart.pdf Where God Put Water, Chart for this series.
2011, 11 WOL 201111WhereGodPutWaterPart1.pdf Where God Put Water, (part 1) Lesson on baptism.
2011, 10 WOL 201110MarriageDivorceRemarriage.pdf God's Will on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
2011, 9 WOL Is Man Saved Before Baptism? pdf: 20119IsManSavedBeforeBaptism.pdf
{pdf} chart: 20119IsManSavedBeforeBaptismChart.pdf
2011, 8 WOL Understanding The Bible (keys); Are Different Interpretations Of The Bible Acceptable?
2011, 7 WOL Can We Understand The Bible Alike?
2011, 6 WOL God And His Children’s Love For You 20116GodandHischildrensLoveforYou.pdf
2011, 5 WOL Love
2011, 4 WOL When Was Saul Saved? (many today think they are saved, but are not; please consider this article)
{pdf} chart: 20114WhenWasSaulSavedChart.pdf
2011, 3 WOL What All People Must Do To Be Saved
{pdf} chart: 20113ConversionChartpg.2.pdf
2011, 2 WOL The New Birth {See also: 2010, 12 below}
2011, 1 WOL Are You Selling Your Soul?
2010, 12 {pdf} 201012HowOneEntersInto.pdf How One Enters INTO Christ Where Salvation Is Found
{pdf} chart: 20111INTOChristchartpg2.pdf
2010, 11 WOL The Law of Exclusion or Silence of the Scriptures -- continued (Applied to music in worship)
2010, 10 WOL The Law of Exclusion or Silence of the Scriptures (Applied to music in worship)
2010, 9 WOL The Incomprehensible Love of God & Authority In Religion
2010, 8 {pdf} 20108AreYouWithGodorAgainstGod.pdf Do You Stand With God Or Against God?
2010, 7 WOL Is One Saved Before Obeying The Savior?
2010, 6 WOL Common Errors Refuted (In Answer To A Baptist Preacher)
2010, 5 WOL Handling Aright The Word Of God (In Answer To A Baptist Preacher On The Dead)
2010, 4 WOL Two Men Lived, Two Men Died
2010, 3 Is Your Church Wholly Following The Bible? Chart: 20103IsYourChurchTrulyFFBibleChartpg.2.pdf
Article: 20103IsYourchurchtrulyffBiblepg.1.pdf
{pdf} Article with chart: 20103IsYourChurchTrulyFFBibleChartandArt.pdf
2010, 2 WOL SAFEST PLACE TO BE & Noah Was Saved By Grace
2010, 1 WOL The Fall and Redemption of Man (cont.) & Wrong Formulas Can Never Save!
2009, 12 WOL The Fall and Redemption of Man
2009, 11 WOL A Denominational Preacher Responds To My Article Of 8-2009 “Why Are You a Baptist, etc. (part 2)
2009, 10 WOL A Denominational Preacher Responds To My Article Of 8-2009 “Why Are You a Baptist, etc. (part 1)
2009, 9 WOL Have You Heard About Sin Lately?
2009, 8 WOL Why Are You A Baptist, Jehovah’s Witness, Methodist, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc., etc...?
2009, 7 WOL The Sin of Drinking Alcohol & Life Is A Great Journey
2009, 6 WOL Questions On Baptism
2009, 5 WOL Is Denominationalism Acceptable With God?
2009, 4 WOL Are We Saved by Faith Only Or An Obedient Faith?
2009, 3 WOL An Open Book Test On Baptism And A Test Of Our Faith
2009, 2 WOL The Great Tragedy Of Modern Man Is His Lost Sense Of Sin & Wrong Conclusions
2009, 1 WOL Error is Error, Period!
2008, 12 WOL Will You Volunteer For The Lord’s Army? & Are You With God or Contrary to Him?